Saturday, August 8, 2009


I'm at home on a nice Saturday because I'm feeling lazy asss fuck. Just got back from Baltimore, and I miss it already. It was nice having a break from all the craziness in the city. It was quiet where we stayed at and humid ass fuck! Right when I got there all my worries were gone and I concentrated on living this opportunity to the fucking fullest. It was worth it too. Met new people, places & loved it. Got closer to my cousins and decided to keep in touch with them more often. I didn't realize there was so many places I didn't know about. After A week I started missing the city so damn much. I missed my mom the most. But didn't mean I was enjoying myself, cause I can promise you I was. I got a tan, and if you know me well enough you know how bad i was wanting one. Ride back there was horrrrrible! I sat next two complete strangers for 4 hours to Phoenix. I was sleeping the first hour & I move alot when I sleep. So I ended up slapping the lady to my right. It woke me up & I apologized. She just stared and Said its okay.. ha. I hadda sit next to her for 3 more hours! I couldn't sleep, eat.. nothing! Felt awkward. We got off the plane & hadda catch a plane to the city. Bought something to drink than hopped on. Lucky me, I got to sit next to my cousin & brother. That ride was entertaining. We were taking quizzes on my itouch & I always turned out to be something disturbing. Right when I got to the city I EXPECTED my mom to be there, but no we waited a good 25 minutes for her to pick us up. She sure missed me, ha. Got home and layed on my bed:) Unpacked & had a plate of my moms cooking. Daaaaamn didn't know how much I loved home!! Now back tooo worrrrrk. Blaah. Well Damn i actually wrote this. HA. Thanks for reading losers. LATEEE!

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