Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dear dad,

I wanna get away from all this pain with a smile on my face. But how can I do such thing when I get weak on my knees and pour out my tears. Fears that you'll let me down once again run through my mind . Life's already Hard without you near.. but I managed to get this far with my head up high playing these fools with my smile.. Why did you do this? Why weren't you thinking of us when you decided to go down this path? Questions in my mind as if I was blind. I forgave. But Forgetting is never. I cant believe you had the heart to hurt me like you did. Its like I never existed. Its like you didn't care if you lost us. Now what do you have? Tell me. You chose the lifestyle you have right now. I close my eyes and I play in my head what you said to me. But I seriously need to just let you be, I cant change who you are or what you did.. All I can do is pray for you to realize I love you and no mistake of yours will ever change that.

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